
Working with communities to have productive conversations about racism awareness.

Through presentations, podcasts, and written word, Inclusive Education helps to facilitate the difficult dialogues about racism so no one feels like they’re alone in this process. We all need a raised awareness level, let’s do it together. 


Elijah’s warmth, sense of humor, and confidence make potentially difficult conversations welcoming, and he creates an atmosphere that encourages questions, new ideas, and “aha” moments.

- Sarah Borgnis-Tobin, Head of Outreach & Adult Programs
Henry Carter Hull Library, Clinton, C

[He] is patient, understanding and willing to engage in dialogue with those who have very basic knowledge of the Black experience in America.

- Dana Henry, active community member


Educational Materials

  • 'The Daily Optimist' Podcast

    Daily episodes from Inclusive Education LLC’s founder, Elijah Manning, sharing news and ideas about how we can all still connect with each other and get through our day finding the positives.

  • Written Word

    Essays, dialogues , and letters to the editor written by Elijah Manning with the aim of increasing the cultural awareness in our communities and our society.

  • Video

    Interviews and other recorded content that helps facilitate the difficult dialogues about racial awareness so we can work together so no one feels like they’re alone in this process.

Featured Content


“Fear Less”
A select episode from The Daily Optimist podcast.


Opinion: Inclusive education — If not now, when?
Article written for NewsTimes.


“What is Cultural Humility?”
A video discussion with Sarah Borgnis-Tobin.

“[Elijah’s] perspective and first hand experience helps to capture what some don’t know. Together we can all grow and learn from each other.”

— Abby Roccapriore (Clinton, CT PTA)